This is pretty crazy. My kids love this one. It is called the Harmony face mask. The mantra says “I walk in my own strength”. Hear that “I walk in my own strength” and there’s so many great things about this mask. One of my favorite things about it is how it looks and feels and smells. It almost feels like you just dug it out of some cave. Do you feel like you are in a cave with me? Like you're in the mud hot mud lava on the floor. This also has Manuka honey. It helps smooth and brighten. It has gold foil in it that creates the harmony and the radiance. You can just go for it. Me and my kids, we put it on together and then we go downstairs and scare people!
So let this dry, and then you’re going to wash this off, but while I'm waiting for the Harmony mask to dry, I will also maybe read my book. Take a moment to just take it easy. I can lay on the bed, meditate, relax, think, you know, do something that feels really good. Write in my journal. Do something that is even more enhancing that wellness and that wellbeing and that time with yourself. Just to check in with yourself because we know days are hectic and we know that everything is going so fast and we are trying to juggle a million things. When you feel like do I even deserve to have this type of time for myself? How can I feel worthy of having this time? Yes you do! Yes you do deserve this time for yourself. You absolutely do and you should because it's a part of refueling you and refilling your spirit, your body, your soul, your wisdom, your intelligence. I really, really, really believe in that. If you are feeling like how can I find the time? How can I find a minute? This is why Keys Soulcare is so powerful and so important because this gives you that center. It gives you that ground, it gives you that excuse and that place. You’re like “I'm just washing my face.” How many times is my husband like “Are you still in there washing your face?”. Seriously it takes a minute to really get it all done. And I also like to breathe with it and be calm with it. So you deserve it! Take the time for yourself. It's really, really powerful and it's going to make everything else that you do even better. - Alicia
How To Use: Prep clean skin with a warm dampened towel and apply the charcoal mask evenly to your face. Allow the face mask to dry for 10-20 minutes before removing with a warm dampened towel.
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Harmony Charcoal Face Mask